
Self-reliance is one of the four founding principles of the Gurukul. Agriculture and Dairy help the Gurukul to become self-reliant. The agricultural activities are implemented in 6-7 acres of land and its characteristics are as follows:

  • Crops grown by organic farming.
  • 50 quintals of Vermicomposting is produced.This is used as manure and the excess is sold.
  • Horticulture comprising more than 200 fruit-bearing trees has been developed. These fruits are used in the Gurukul itself.
  • Vegetables are grown in the farms and are used to cook for 200 people daily.
  • Agriculture supports the Gurukul to become economically self-reliant.
  • Students are exposed to farming from which they learn a lot.
  • Food for the cattle is harvested from these fields.
  • The fuel required for cooking and hot water is also from these farms.

Diary (Goshala)

Diary husbandry is a supplementary activity to agriculture as fodder is available in ample quantities. Students enjoy milk and milk products of domestic nature from this Goshala. Some significant points:

  • Shed for 20-25 cattle (cow, buffalos, ox etc.)
  • Daily production of 25-30 litres of milk.
  • Cow dung used in producing organic manure and for vermicomposting.
  • Students play an important role in its management.
  • It’s serves as a laboratory to educate students.
  • Bulls are used for cultivating the land.